Electrical Grid

Electricity transmission and distribution are vital to a country's development.

With a rich experience in the field, Celin responds to the needs of electricity transmission and distribution operators by providing design, installation and maintenance services for electricity networks.

IRAQ AL. MUSSAID Re-design of 40/130 kv electric station 2020
SDEE TRANSILVANIA SUD Integration of 110kv transformer station in SCADA-DMS system – Miercurea Ciuc 2020
SDEE TRANSILVANIA SUD Integration of 110kv transformer station in SCADA-DMS system – Balan Station, Harghita county 2020
S.C. CHIMCOMPLEX S.A. BORZESTI Preparation of design documentation, including specifications for the purchase of equipment and electrical works related to Cogeneration Plant 2 2020
S.C. MONSSON ALMA S.R.L. CONSTANTA Technical documentation PT+DE phase for the installation of capacitor banks (2MVAR) and a reactor (3MVAR) in the MIREASA transformer substation 2020
ELECTRICIDADE DE MOZAMBIQUE Electrical installation design works and automation installation design works 2020
PARLIAMENT OF ROMANIA – CHAMBER OF DEPUTY CHAMPS Services for the elaboration of the Documentation for the Approval of Intervention Works for the repair of secondary electrical panels in the Palace of the Parliament 2019
SDEE TRANSILVANIA SUD Consultancy services in transformer substations 2019
SDEE TRANSILVANIA SUD Electrical installations design for SDEE Transilvania Sud 2019
ENEL Electrical installation design “Replacement of 110KV LES Fundeni – Pipera 2” 2019
ENEL Design services Increase of the operational safety level in SOLEX transformer station in Pantelimon Ilfov 2018
COMPANIA DE APA TRAGOVISTE DAMBOVITA S.A. Rehabilitation of the existing automation components within COMPANIEI DE APA TRAGOVISTE DAMBOVITA S.A 2018
S.C. MONSSON ALMA S.R.L. CONSTANTA Elaboration of design works for the phases TP, SF, PT+CS, DE and AS BUILT for works in GURA IALOMITEI ELECTRIC STATION on the cell related to the 110kV GURA IALOMITEI-TARGUSOR-BASARABI LEA 2018
S.C. MONSSON ALMA S.R.L. CONSTANTA Design services of a quenching coil and related installations, related to the 110/20kV 16 MVA transformer no.2, Sitorman 110/20Kv transformer station 2018
S.C. WIND POWER PLANT S.R.L. Technical documentation for establishing the protection settings for the 110/33kV Transformer Station 2018
S.C. ENEL DISTRIBUTIE DOBROGEA S.A. Electricity supply of the electric railway traction substation located in FETESTI, county of FETESTI, Romania. Solution study 2018
ELECTRICA S.A. Modernization of the 110/20kV Vanatori Station and integration in the SCADA system (2nd stage), county of Vanatori. Galati 2017
HONEYWELL ROMANIA S.R.L. Design services in AUTOCAD of connection diagrams for the HONEYWELL/OMV Petrom project: ROE11XD432 Brazi_DCS for DAV 2 2017
S.C. CHIMCOMPLEX S.A. BORZESTI Elaboration of the project phase DE “Rehabilitation of frames and connections, including the rehabilitation of electrical circuits in SRA 1- 110kV”. Elaboration of the project phase DE “Own direct current services SRA 1” 2017
HIDROELECTRICA S.A. Modernization of the 110/20/6.3kV Portile de Fier II (Ostrovu Mare) station: a. Upgrade of the PT Control Block. Finishing and related installations, including expertise of concrete frames and foundations b. Works required in accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force and as a result of the minutes and site dispositions drawn up during the execution 2017
S.C. WESTWIND MERENI S.R.L. LEC 110kV CEE Mereni – 400/110kV Medgidia Sud station.Technical documentation for the Cernavoda-Constanta highway sub-crossing; LEC 110kV CEE Mereni – 400/110kV Medgidia Sud station.Technical documentation for obtaining the authorization for the construction of the cable duct route (DTAC) 2016
S.C. ONET TEHNOLOGIES ROMANIA S.A. (OTR) BUCURESTI Elaboration of the electrical and automation project for the “SARCOFAG” equipment 2016
CEZ ROMANIA Design PT, DDE and As Built-Modernization of 110/20kV Traianu Transformer Station, Teleroman County 2016
TRANSELECTRICA S.A. Design of electricity metering system in 220/110kV Isalnita station 2016
CEZ ROMANIA Modernization of secondary circuits and SCADA integration of MILCOV transformer station, JUD. OLT 2016
S.C. UZINA TERMOELECTRICA MIDIA S.A. Real-time measurement and monitoring system of electricity consumers in 6kV stations; replacement of measuring and recording devices in the electrical c-da chamber of 110kV station 2015
CHIMCOMPLEX S.A. BORZESTI Electrical project for the integration of the 8MW cogeneration group in the 6kV SRA1-SRA3 electrical scheme 2015
S.C. TERMOELECTRICA S.A. BORZESTI Elaboration of technical documentation – Reorganization of 6 and 0,4kV Power Stations 2015
TRANSELECTRICA S.A. RK automation installation for internal service panels in Ghizdaru, Gura Ialomitei and Domnesti Electricity Stations 2015
S.C. ELECTROCENTRALE BUCURESTI S.A. Integration of the new 110kV trafo cells related to the combined steam-gas cycle power plant in the existing 110kV station in CET BUCURESTI VEST 2015